serious! interesting bio btw
She mostly stopped writing aside from one article in 2017 though, mostly she's been pushing the whole 'porn is the devil and responsible for these marital breakups' at speaking engagements and not uh, you know, communicating your 'interests' in the sack before or after the big night.
But if you search "alt right" and "nofap" or other associated terms (although the media is getting that way off the mark, she's been known to speak to tradcon groups more often like Focus on the Family and The Fellowship, that group that hosts the national prayer breakfast, so it's more like "all right" minus the libertarians/atheists, however the direction she personally comes at it from is the anti-porn radfem left) there's all sorts of zany stories about this trend
I'm pretty sure pornhub took care of that tardo imbecile cult anyway with their tree planty junk
And hey, while I'm mentioning that, NO TISSUES YOU BUFFOONS, USE WASHABLE CLOTH!!!
Or, uh, grab a random passing bunny or squirrel, like you would when crapping in the woods
Zero waste fappage is the happiest fappage!!
Maximum irony is the entire 'no fap' thing was started by an ex Huffington Post contributor and her husband, which the usual sort into it wouldn't give a passing glance to otherwise.
I'm sure if someone researched a doc on it there'd be some interesting crossed wires involved, some of those "literally only on the internet" connections you could find in the chaotic magik that made it all come together.