@Annie-Mae that defeats the whole purpose of the newgrounds art portal. voting is supposed to be quick and easy, so the top ranking stuff is quickly updated according to votes and views. the caveat of this system is, as you say, that it isn't very helpful if no reviews are given and just an average rating of 0-5 stars. i however also believe that just making a review for the sake of voting isn't always helpful either, most people aren't very well versed in how to review art and would just state garbage gibberish. we aren't working with high arts academic doctorate people here on newgrounds (and that's fine imo)
i would also like to note that i haven't seen your art before, and while just skimming through some images rn i notice that you have a pretty low amount numbers of votes (some lower than 10), and that makes it hard to make a statement if your votes are representative of newgrounds as a whole or you're just unlucky and gained a couple of lurkers downvoting your stuff (maybe a few high-leveled users with lots of voting power?). i fully understand how that is still very frustrating.
also, i am pretty sure newgrounds userbase is more than 90% male, and if that isn't gay i don't know what. i know that henryEYES is propably gay nonetheless.
"34 years old"
You'll be me too one day... OLD.