So this is my end of the month update. Really No-Nutvember is stupid... don't do that to yourself. FAP more and Cum MORE... make it an every day Nut... I get that's just as bad but the way the internet forces celibacy on people is horrifying...
My Among Creatures comics are coming out slow, because there is a certain order that I want to tell a story in and I hit the same problem I did last time where I have ONE big comic I want to do before I can get to the good stuff. This time it's like the WHOLE story will be a comic, and it might take a few pages to tell it. Not long heck it's mostly just a long drawn out sex joke, that isn't even a great example of character development. If I can stick to it I hope you guys will supportive of me taking my time.
ALSO in an art lul, possibly, think we're getting into a season that'll be just a lot of video game playing because I have gone back into my own animal crossing new leaf game to tidy up some things again. I have no problem opening up the town for people to visit, and the dream code is always available> 5C00-000F-D924
So when it comes to Patreon stuff, I want to know what other sort of things would you guys like to see inbetween the Among Creatures stuff? This has to do with the 5$ tier. I have two pics for certain but if there is anything that you had in mind let me know. It doesn't have to be Animal Crossing or Villy related either, some random art you'd be interested in seeing. I get a feeling DeltaRune might be getting a chapter two this December and I would possibly break from Among Creatures to recolor all the old Undertale/DeltaRune stuff that I did a year ago.
BUT LIFE update, I did get a weekend temp job. It's just a seasonal thing and while I won't be able to draw at work at all, it'll be good to be up and about. It's certainly more active... I don't need a job for money, I just need it to have social interactions with real people... and health care. Anyway I hope it'll work out alright and a better job picks me up next year. But the weekdays are for drawing and gaming... that's what counts.
I'm pretty sure pornhub took care of that tardo imbecile cult anyway with their tree planty junk
And hey, while I'm mentioning that, NO TISSUES YOU BUFFOONS, USE WASHABLE CLOTH!!!
Or, uh, grab a random passing bunny or squirrel, like you would when crapping in the woods
Zero waste fappage is the happiest fappage!!
Maximum irony is the entire 'no fap' thing was started by an ex Huffington Post contributor and her husband, which the usual sort into it wouldn't give a passing glance to otherwise.
I'm sure if someone researched a doc on it there'd be some interesting crossed wires involved, some of those "literally only on the internet" connections you could find in the chaotic magik that made it all come together.