Hey newgrounds, thanks for downvoting my art FASTER then you did the last one. I mean if you want to make this place not look so homophobic then curb your impulse voting.
I mean really you shouldn't be allowed to leave a vote on a pic without commenting on it. I know the quality of my art isn't worth 5 stars but for most of my nude male art to have 3 stars or lower if no votes at all, it's pretty telling why it was voted so low. The only reason the last pic didn't get as low of score as this one was because you got to see boobs.
"OMG this artist can't take negative feedback"
What feedback? Is the downvoting just a way of the basic newgrounds user saying "Fags leave!" ?? Essentially gay male art isn't allowed here without the snide grown from the no homo crowd. There isn't a notification of WHO votes on my art. I have to click on my art to find out how many favs it has. There's almost no need to have a following or a community if people aren't encouraged to leave feedback.
I mean if I'm being followed by trolls so you guys can fap over my little rants then cool. Here's another one. At least on tumblr anon hate was fun sometimes.
"34 years old"
You'll be me too one day... OLD.