It's been a bit since I've written a worth while update. I'm feeling like maybe I can get things back to a normal production schedule. I've had a bit of some emotional hook ups that have slowed me down, and a few physical things that I'm getting treated. Nothing serious at all, but major hold up was developing tennis elbow and spending A LOT of money buying things to improve my work station and set up. I really only took ONE commission this month because I couldn't feel comfortable with taking on projects that I didn't feel like I could finish in a timely manner.
Special notice to Newgrounds people, I see people follow me but I really don't know how to make connections here. This place is just gonna be a back up account because most subject matter of art is fairly tolerated. It's hard to invest in multiple art accounts at once if I'm being honest, and I'm not sure if I can post some of the things I post to FA on here. ANYWAY... if you like my stuff, thanks. I don't know how to use this place to my advantage.
This coming month I have INDEED created a few pics in mind for SubStar exclusive pictures again. Mostly more A! pinups for sure, as most of my Dot pics I've been drawing are gonna end up there. I have an idea of what it is people want from my SubStar this coming month but I've been so slow to produce work that I pretty much ignored it all last two months. It also felt like a lot of people were financially compromised as well, so I think it's for the best to not have made people feel like they needed to support me. Just giving me comments and favs was enough really.
Here again is the Discord Link to my server. (expired)
Expires in 7 days.
It's been pretty quiet there but it's really just a pit stop to come by and share things ya like.
TODAY there will be another Pictaro Stream where I'll be watching the 90's talking Tom and Jerry Movie while I work on art.
I'm gonna say check back around 3pm Pacific Time if you're interested. Art will be mostly SFW, with maybe some nsfw coloring happening. I like reading your comments so please don't be afraid to speak up. Thanks for reading all of this. Ask questions always.